Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Presenting authors for oral talks and posters are indicated in bold/italics type.

Divisional and Cross-Divisional Symposia
Presentations are maximum of 25 minutes in length and 5 minutes for questions, unless otherwise specified by the chair of each symposia. Please refer to the symposia booklet or contact your Symposium Chair for more information on your specific session.

Division Contributed Talks/Presentations
Presentations are a maximum of 12 minutes in length and 3 minutes for questions. Please refer to the program for specific details about your presentation.

Presentation File Submission
Please send your presentation as a .ppt file (not larger than 10 MB) not later than 24 h prior to your scheduled session to the following address: SIP2024upload@gmail.com
Alternatively, you may upload your oral presentation file (ppt) not later than 24 h prior to your scheduled session at the registration desk.

For sending and uploading, please name your file with your presentation number (see programme) followed by the presenter´s name (e.g. MC-17_Jehle.ppt or 16-1_Herniou.ppt)

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will be displayed throughout the meeting and the presentation will occur during a single day and session. This will take place on Wednesday July 31, 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00 in room: Foyer Gusshaus. Stickers will be provided, pins may not be used. Posters must be put up after 8:00 on Monday and they must be removed by noon on Thursday or they will be discarded.